Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween 2008

Spider baby-he wasn't crazy about the hat but I made him keep it on!
Jonathan with Bethany as a lovely maiden.
Ty really wanted to be a policeman with a gun this year but by the time I got to the party store the police officer costumes were sold out. Bummer. He decided that he would be a fireman with an ax instead-only problem was that the costume didn't come with an ax. All they had was a bloody ax that I bought! He loved it! I just couldn't handle my three year old running around with a bloody ax so I ordered the one in the picture online and it got here just in time for Halloween.


julie and john said...

i really wish we lived closer, it would be so much fun for eleanor and ty. i showed her the photo of ty in his costume and eleanor got the giggles for a good 5 minutes. what happened to your newborn?? seriously, jonathan is growing up so fast! he looked so cute in that costume and i LOVE ty's boots!

Ryan and Bethany said...

You know I love your kiddies so much! They were adorable. I'm just sad you and Theron didn't dress up in your nun and priest costumes. :-)